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12 Schools Have Joined Chatta’s New Project Funded By The Shine Trust

SHINE is funding a groundbreaking new initiative to improve the communication and language skills of disadvantaged young children in Hull. Concern that only 68 per…


Chatta in Helsinki

Chatta founder, Chris Williams, led workshops in schools in Helsinki last week as part of Helsinki Education Week. Chris was joined by Cheryl Bowers, Head…


News just in: New data shows Chatta’s strong impact on progress in speaking

Brilliant news for Chatta:  Strong impact in Hull is leading to city-wide launch for families  Chatta’s impact in Hull. Chatta was introduced to families across the…


Dual Coding and Evidence Informed Teaching

Dual Coding and Evidence Informed Teaching Professor Richard Meyer The theory of ‘dual coding’, or the linking of images and words is a powerful method…


10 different ways Chatta is making an impact on learning

How is Chatta used? Chatta’s main focus is oral narrative competence as evidence demonstrates that this is the most significant indicator of future writing competence….


Oracy and Writing: Why does your school need ‘chatta’?

Oracy and Writing: Why does your school need ‘chatta’? It is widely known that ‘if children can’t say it, they can’t write it’ So, where…


Talking and thinking in pictures

SEND specialist Chris Williams, outlines a unique audio-visual approach that supports children’s ability to articulate their thoughts and progress their learning. As a teacher, and…
