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Dual Coding and Evidence Informed Teaching

people learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone”

Professor Richard Meyer

The theory of ‘dual coding’, or the linking of images and words is a powerful method of teaching.

“People can receive new information  visually or verbally and when images are linked  to words, they strengthen learning.”  Dual Coding Theory

Dual Coding and multimedia learning are central to the Chatta approach. Everything is presented using images and spoken words. This leads to retention both in the short and long term.

The Chatta approach is used with pupils aged 3 to 18. It can be linked to any subject and any level of learning.

As the application of evidence-informed practice it can be used in any lesson, for example to support the retelling of a fairytale,an explanation of the water cycle or a debate about political ideologies. The approach is exceptionally simple.

Chatta helps as it provides the software, training and resources for teachers and parents.

Not many people have seen dual-coding in action in the classroom. The impact can be staggering.

Teachers of children who have experienced chatta report ‘phenomenal’ and ‘unprecedented’ progress.

This simple diagram presented by Professor Richard Mayer forms the basis of the “Cognitive Theory of Multimedia” learning and also summarises ‘Dual Coding Theory’

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An example lesson may be a science experiment. The preparation and process and outcomes are photographed and presented as a visual storyboard. Teachers  make reference to the relevant image as they explain the method and results. This modelling of language leads to pupil ‘self-explanation’ and oral rehearsal. With Chatta, spoken language is digitally attached to the images which can be shared and revisited, reinforcing and strengthening learning.


Any pupil working with Chatta (age 3 to 18+) can speak in front of an audience at length, in detail, confidently and fluently, without notes and without visual cues. This is something the majority of adults find challenging. It is the impact of the ‘dual coding’ which underpins the Chatta approach which strengthens language, memory and recall.

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Chatta provides schools development support, training, resources and software to primary, secondary and special schools.

Currently resources are available to support:

  • Early Years (Communication,Language and Literacy)
  • Special Needs (Including autism and dyslexia)
  • Writing/Oracy across the curriculum (all ages)
  • Teaching English as an additional language
  • Closing gaps in attainment for disadvantaged children.

Would you like to introduce high impact evidence-informed practice to your school?

To find out more or arrange an online (or classroom) demonstration please contact: hello@chatta.co.uk