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Free Trial Project

Chatta 8 Week Trial Project

Try Chatta for FREE- findout why teachers say it is ‘a million times better than anything else’ due to its impact on progress in oracy, writing, vocabulary, learning, memory and retention. 

For 2 years running Chatta has been named as one of the worlds most inspiring education innovations by HundrED.


132736AE DA0A 4D0E 9D4A 0B8990205242Throughout 2020 we are offering schools the opportunity to take part in an 8 week evaluated trial of the Chatta approach.

Chatta is gaining momentum in schools across the world and it is increasingly being recognised as a powerful, evidence-informed teaching methodology which is simple, accessible and effective in all areas of learning, in any subject and for all ages.

To celebrate Chatta’s inclusion in the Global HundrED Collection for 2020, throughout the year we are offering schools the opportunity to experience the impact of Chatta, our training, resources and software at no cost and with no obligation to continue working with Chatta after the trial.

Chatta is effective in early years, key stages 1,2,4 and 4 with strong and sustained impact in communication, language and literacy with an emphasis on oracy and writing.  It is extremely powerful for teaching English as an additional language, teaching modern languages and bilingual teaching. Chatta also removes barriers for students with additional needs including autism and dyslexia.

Contact our team for more details, we can match the focus of our project to all priorities, challenges, ages and subjects and work with primary, secondary and special schools in the U.K. and overseas.

Why try Chatta?

The approach is simple and fits with all existing classroom practice. It saves time spent on planning and differentiation and improves outcomes in speaking and listening, oracy, writing, memory and retention. 

Chatta has been voted for 2 consecutive years as one of the world’s leading education innovations by HundrED.org global ambassadors. The approach combines a number of proven methods in a unique and accessible way and consistently the impact of Chatta is described as ‘phenomenal’ ‘unprecedented’ and ‘life-changing’ and recently as being ‘a million times better than anything else’

7A178113 0D33 4A35 BE50 F4CED3BD38A5If you are interested in high-impact solutions for school development challenges and want to see if Chatta works for your teaching staff and students, with no cost, no commitment and within the space of 8 weeks, why wouldn’t you want to try Chatta?

What is included?

Training, classroom demonstrations, Chatta software, classroom resources and activity plans, HelpDesk support.

How does the trial work?

We need between 6 and 12 participating schools to run the 8 week trial. We encourage each school to include up to 2 members of staff. We will match the focus of the project to priorities (early years/ EAL/Oracy/writing/SEND etc) We will liaise with education advisors/school leaders to design the project and once schools are recruited we will launch the project with a 2 hour training session for participants.

Following that we keep in touch weekly and offer an additional training session and classroom demonstration half way through the project.

At the end of the project we evaluate the impact and provide feedback.

How to get started?

Contact our team. We will work with you to plan the perfect project and will be able to help recruit participating schools to become involved.

email: hello@chatta.co.uk

What happens afterwards?

There is no obligation whatsoever  for schools to continue to work with Chatta.

 They can if they choose to and costs are made clear in advance. Once deciding Chatta supports the progress of the students and the professional development of staff the Chatta team then very quickly Chatta will begin to address school and staff development priorities and the impact of Chatta will spread across the school.

Please contact our team on 0845 003 0896 or by email: hello@chatta.co.uk to find out more.


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