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Training Courses



Training Courses

To learn how to teach with Chatta, book a place on one of our training courses. The full day course will provide you with everything you need to teach with Chatta immediately.

Cost: *£300 + VAT per person.


  • Full Chatta Training
  • Planning Support
  • Activity Resources
  • 1 year class software subscription (teachers, support staff, students, families)

*Discounts are available for multiple attendees from schools/trusts.

Complete the form to book your place. If you have any questions please contact our team by email: hello@chatta.co.uk or phone 0845 003 0896.

About Chatta Training Courses:

All of our training courses introduce the simple and powerful Chatta Approach. The approach is based on proven multimedia teaching methods and the principles of language acquisition and has been voted one of the world’s most inspiring education innovations by HundreED’s global community. (Global 100 Innovation Award 2019, 2020, 2021)

Our training is for class teachers and teaching assistants leading interventions, for school leaders and senior managers.

We offer a range of high impact training courses covering all age groups and phases of education.

The training will:

  • Give teachers a deep understanding of how children and young people develop spoken language skills and vocabulary, and how that impacts on reading and writing.
  • Develop  at the skills required to teach confidently and easily using the Chatta Approach and software.This will help remove barriers to learning and make lesson and activity planning almost effortless.
  • Focus on scaffolding, modelled language and oral rehearsal, making spoken and written compostion effortless.
  • Provide range of practical activities to demonstrate what classroom practice may look like.
  • Provide clear and detailed activity plans, and hundreds of examples, to make it simple to begin to use the methods covered on the training course.
  • Enable your pupils to achieve excellence in speaking, vocabulary use and writing.

Who Should Attend?

  • Class teachers and teaching assistants
  • Literacy subject leaders
  • Senior Leadership team
  • Special Needs Co-ordinators
  • EYFS Practitioners
  • KS1 Teachers
  • KS2 Teachers

What Teachers Say

Kingsway School

“A fun, easy way to develop vocabulary, confidence, oracy and writing skills. The impact is magical and instant.”

Thurcroft Infant School

“I was very impressed with the content of the session.The content was balanced, clear and informative.The speaker’s style was very engaging, his knowledge very clear and his delivery was well-paced and appropriate.”

Half Acres Primary

“The session more than met my expectations, I can’t wait to try Chatta out.The sessions was excellent, a hands on approach but with the theory base to back it up.The speaker was very knowledgeable and responded well to questions, soooo many ideas!”

Ladywood Primary

“The session was very informative, it’s a refreshing NEW approach.The content was a good mixture of both practical and theoretical information.  Chatta is an excellent resource for children with poor communication.The speaker offered excellent delivery, great balance between listening and practical activities.”

Savile Park Primary

“The session was informative and the information and ideas were easy to take on board. Full of ideas to go back and use in the classroom!”

Berry Brow Infant & Nursery School

“The session fulfilled my expectations: practical, simple ideas that will improve oral communication.I found the speaker very approachable and clear and he ensured he addressed any issues throughout the day.”

Townville Infants:

“The content was  clear and informative and there was lots of time to practice and explore the Chatta approach and software throughout the day.”

Upcoming Courses

EYFS: Communication, Language and Vocabulary in Foundation Stages 1 and 2. 

London, The Abbey Centre, Westminster:

Monday July 4th, 9:30-3:30

Hull, The Village Hotel.

Tuesday July 5th, 9:30-3:30

Manchester, Media City

Wednesday July 6th, 9:30-3:30

Strengthening Oracy and Vocabulary Skills in Key Stages 1 Key Stage 2: Removing Barriers To Learning leading to Confident Speakers and Fearless Writers

London, The Abbey Centre, Westminster:

Monday July 11th, 9:30-3:30

Hull, The Village Hotel.

Tuesday July 12th, 9:30-3:30

Manchester, Media City

Wednesday July 13th, 9:30-3:30


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