Every classroom activity can build towards oracy focused outcomes. Context, purpose and
audience are central to planning- giving pupils a reason to speak, to want to speak, to choose their
words, phrasing, tone of voice, pace and gestures.
Whether its subject focused curriculum content, a creative imagination based task, recounting,
explaining, describing or storytelling, if pupils are clear about the context and purpose, and
teachers provide models and structure, there are endless opportunities to develop speaking skills.
The confidence and ability to turn thoughts into words in real-time.
A good stimulus activity can help. The brilliant ‘Design The Next iPhone’ web based activity by Neal
Agarwal is something the class could complete collaboratively together on the classroom screen,
or individually with tablets/laptops.
Have a go! It’s simple and good fun.
Click here to go to the Design an iPhone website.
Once a design is made and everyone is aware of the benefits and features of the newly designed smartphone there are lots of contexts in which the pupils will be able to speak purposefully, either with a partner or through presentation to the class.
Activity Suggestions (Speaking and Writing)
Sell it!
Persuade someone to buy this innovative new phone. Sell it in an advert, in the shop or pitch it to tech investors. Emphasise features and their benefits. Great opportunity to include compelling adjectives and superlatives, imagery, persuasive language and rhetorical phrases.
Complain About it!
Imagine ordering this new gadget of your dreams to find its not up to scratch. None of the features work as promised. Prepare a compelling point by point complaint to request a refund, or an honest and disappointed online review. This opens up the use of detailed description, emotive language, personal pronouns, negative adjectives and calls to action.
Lost it!
Having forgotten where you left it, make an appeal to encourage people to find your precious new phone. Describe it in detail, and include information about the places it may be. Lots of opportunities for descriptive language, clear and specific information.
All of these activities can be quick and easy to set up, and all can be based on the engagement and creativity of the ‘Design The Next iPhone’ interactive activity. Oral composition, presentation skills and a focus on relevant and ambitious language can help with oracy and writing activities.
The visual nature of the activities fits well with Chatta and the Chatta storyboards can be used to support modelling, scaffolding and also to allow teachers to allow pupils to see their oral composition techniques to suit the objective and purpose. Chatta also includes lots of opportunities for partner talk and every Chatta activity includes opportunities for pupils to present orally to the whole class.
Click here to view this Chatta Board Example highlighting the amazing features of the new phone design:
Look out for more activity ideas to support oracy, vocabulary use and help remove barriers to writing. (coming soon!)
To find out more about how Chatta can help email: hello@chatta.co.uk