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Chatta is an accessible approach that creates confident speakers in every classroom.

Chatta activities use talk to bridge the gap between thinking and writing.

As technology is reshaping the way we communicate and interact, oracy has never been more important. Speaking is one of the biggest indicators of success in later life. Increasingly, evidence and research highlights that “oral narrative competence” forms the basis for future writing ability. The Chatta approach gives every child a voice. It combines experiences, knowledge and understanding with modelled language and oral rehearsal.

Oracy Across the Curriculum

By making oracy across the curriculum a clear focus, Chatta will:

• Engage every learner in talk
• Allow pupils to focus and organise their thoughts
• Provide a clear focus for dialogue to take place
• Instil an approach to support children’s working memory
• Enable pupils to rehearse explanations and articulate their understanding
• Build confidence in using sequenced oral narrative language
• Encourage pupils to reflect on, review and improve oral language
• Bring greater depth to writing outcomes for pupils of all ages

Transforming Writing Outcomes

The Chatta approach is supported by training and classroom resources. The approach has an immediate and sustained impact on writing outcomes for all pupils and is underpinned by a proven pedagogical design.

Learn how Chatta can help you improve outcomes in your classroom

Chatta Benefits for Oracy

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What People Say

Fiona Henry

EYFS Leader
Chatta is working a treat! The vocabulary the children are now using is amazing.

Abi Rodgers

Assistant Headteacher
Chatta's simple step by step approach to improving children's confidence, vocabulary and knowledge is so easy to implement.

Ruth Newton

Year 6 Teacher
Even at the end of the day, at the end of the week, all my children were are enthusiastic, keen to speak and keen to write when Chatta is supporting them.

Katie Hannah

EYFS teacher
I feel so passionate about the positive effects that Chatta has had on our children. I cannot recommend Chatta enough.

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