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A Simple And Powerful Way To Support Early Language Development

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Vicky Thomas, Early Years Lead, and Sarah Marchant, LRC teacher, from Monkton Priory Community Primary School in Pembroke, Wales have been enjoying using Chatta as a scaffolding approach to support language development with the children in their classes. 

This is what they had to say about their experiences with Chatta:

Progression Clearly Seen

Our children are coming into Foundation Phase with limited speech. Chatta has given us the opportunity to build up their oracy skills from a very basic level.  You can progress from a one word input, to a couple of words, to a phrase, to a sentence, to a couple of sentences. So as a teacher you are able to clearly see the children’s progress.

Shy Children Get Involved

The children that don’t usually participate orally in group work are more likely to take part in the creation of a Chatta board. They enjoy using their own pictures and they also like to be recorded and play it back. 

Remarkable Use of New Vocabulary 

The children’s recall of less common words can really surprise you when using Chatta.  The children work well together and even the less able children enjoy sharing their ideas. 

A Simple Tool

It is such a simple tool that allows you to capture a child’s oral work and develop it. We find it very easy to use because it is on our own class laptops which are connected to our white boards. 

Chatta Makes a Difference

We personally like Chatta because it focuses on oral language.  Today we are living in a world that is visual with photos etc. Chatta combines the visual with language.  It helps the children to build on their own vocabulary, and allows them to improve their vocabulary in a simple but very effective way. It is a great scaffolding approach for all speech and language used in school, socially and in life. 

We feel very privileged to have received the training for Chatta, and ourselves and the children are enjoying using it. 

Thank you Vicky and Sarah for sharing your  feedback about Chatta!

See Chatta In Action At Your School

If you’d like to explore the impact Chatta could have for your pupils, or to arrange a free demonstration of the Chatta approach at your school please contact our team by email: hello@chatta.co.uk, call 0845 003 0896 or book an online meeting.

Try Chatta Yourself For Free

Chatta combines software with training and fits with every subject, every age group, every language and at every level. The teaching approach is based on dual-coding and visual scaffolding, combined with modelled language and oral rehearsal. Everything you need to experience Chatta in your classroom is available when you create your own account with the Chatta software. Follow this link to find out more.

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