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Freda’s Story

At just six years old, Freda has already encountered significant challenges in her young life. … Continued

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Spotlight on St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Liverpool

St Anne’s Catholic Primary School in Liverpool is inspiring other schools in the city with … Continued

Recent stories

Chatta At Adelaide Primary School (BBC Sounds)

BBC Radio Humberside recently visited Adelaide Primary School in Hull, to see how Chatta is helping children’s vocabulary and language development in EYFS classes. The…


The Dynamic Duo of Images and Language

Talk is a halfway house between thinking and writing: how can teaching with pictures remove barriers to oral composition? The ease and speed of instantly…


Pocklington Infant School Case Study

Headteacher of Pocklington Infant School, Dr Lynn Bartram, has led her school’s implementation and regular use of Chatta with a clear focus on helping support…


300% Improvement in Oracy Skills and Vocabulary Use With Chatta in One Year

Swinemoor Primary School in Beverley, East Yorkshire started working with Chatta in September 2020. Deputy Headteacher Jane Sharp chose Chatta to help address whole school…


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